LACCD Academic Senate Votes to Support Senate Bill 252 to Divest our Pension Funds from Fossil Fuels

SB 252 – On Thursday March 14, 2024 the Los Angeles Community College District Academic Senate approved by acclamation support for Senate Bill 252 in order to divest CalSTRS and PERS pensions from fossil fuels by 2031. The motion originally was brought by Pierce College’s academic senate which also passed it by unanimous consent. The motion also recommended reaching out to all faculty so they could send correspondence in support of the bill.

This support of the bill follows the Guild Executive Board’s endorsement of the bill, and the incredible work of AFT 1521 members Denise Robb and Andrew Walzer. The bill, which has already passed the California State Senate, is pending before the California Assembly Public Employment and Retirement Committee. A hearing is expected in June 2024.

To learn more about SB 252, go to:
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